Monday, March 24, 2014



Times and Seasons:

-I ate higador unknowingly this week. liver. no wonder it was spongey and weird and i wasnt really enjoying it more than usual haha. 
-one family we visit has this gross mangly captive deer for some reason? named bambi haha. its the only deer i have seen here. also a random monkey lives behind the compound of one of our investigators. 
-i saw another naked man in the street. i never new my mission is where i would see the most nudity of my life. 
-for any youngins who read this here weekly letter, kristen wiig is seriously on pg 108 of the november conference ensign. who converted her???
-A gross man tried to force a greeting kiss on me after shaking my hand in the street, but i used the stiff arm i learned in the CCM and it was hilarious
-This dog that lives in our compound looks exactly like that giant flying dog from my childhood fave movie never ending story. purplish eyes and everything
-spanish is so. hard. 

I love you all. my testimony is growing daily here. i feel it in so many things. whenever i am around children because they resonate with godlike innocence. whenever i ponder on the human capacity for emotion and spirituality, and on human potential. whenever i read things like 2 nephi 2 or 9 about the plan and purpose for our lives, and how the power of the atonement transforms people to do things outside and bigger than themselves and live lives full of purpose and joy and human connectedness. When i think about how the world needs a Savior, because without him, the human depravity in the world now would be a tragedy too large to comprehend. 
I love my heavenly father and savior. our Redeemer lives. 

Hermana Bingham

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